my life=fail

Apr 13, 2009 19:46

recently i feel like i have been sinking into a depression. im pretty sure that its being caused by the fact i keep thinking that on of my best friends is avoiding me at all costs. I know she has a life, and i know that these next few days/weeks are going to be hectic for her, but i some how always end up with the assumtion that she is pulling away.....and the last time that happened i lost another good friend, and that has yet to repair itself. along with that i have thoughts that its my fault (which my thoughts are my fault) that this is happening since it happened before.

the only way i know how to deal with it is to get upset at her. and i dont want that. and if you read this, i never want to be angry with you. and last thursday i know i was the one that made the conversation awkward. but you have to admit that you were very reserved and stand off-ish when you saw me. i wish you would talk to me about it. i want to help but its impossible to do that if you never talk to me.

the other way i have been handling this is by either eating lots - which makes me sad panda
or eating nothing- which also makes me sad panda, but i feel like its a fitting punishment for myself.

ok i think i can get some work done now.
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