Jan 31, 2009 09:37
ok so i understand the concept that as we take classes that are in the 300 and 400 levels its suppose to get harder because we are closing in on graduating....
and i dont mind having to read for each of these classes every night...
but i find it hularious that one 300 level class makes you 6 books during the semester (and at the same time) and every night you have to read a combination of said books which can total a page count of over one hundred pages....and keep track of all this information
its going to be week four of the semester soon and i cant make myself study....and i cant bring myself to just take an hour and read a fun book....
research papers (even about topics that i hate) i can handle. i dont mind reading to find info for them....
i just dont know what i can see in this history major that i like anymore. i am yet again having an idenitity crisis and am tired of it. i just want to know what im suppose to do so i can go do it. i dont like having to deal with all this bull crap. i like to follow some sort of structure, im not to good at spontanious.