Defining Moments 6/?

Nov 25, 2009 20:30

‘When did you become one of the bad guys?’

He hadn’t explained to Jimmy why he was at Chloe’s apartment, but he hadn’t gone there to capture Jimmy red-handed as he stole money from his ex-wife. He hadn’t expected to be knocked out and wake up in the basement, tied up next to the thief, Davis Bloome prowling round them.

When they asked about Chloe, Davis had sworn he would never hurt her, but Oliver didn’t believe him - telling Davis exactly what he thought of him and his alternate personality.

Then Davis had called Chloe, and finally dawned on Oliver that Chloe was in on this - Chloe knew Davis was in her basement, Davis and Chloe were planning to leave Smallville.

And that kept floating round his mind, even when Jimmy taunted the beast, aware that Davis was getting angrier and angrier and Jimmy wouldn’t stop no matter how much Oliver warned him of the danger.

Oliver managed to stop Davis from disembowelling Jimmy, but then Davis had growled that Jimmy still meant a lot to Chloe and that if anyone had to die - Oliver would be first choice.

Somehow, Clark and Chloe had saved him from Davis and then Chloe was standing by him as the paramedics carted Jimmy from the Talon.

She looked shocked - clearly Jimmy’s kidnapping wasn’t part of the plan. Oliver had snarled at her, angry that she had kept Davis hidden, that she hadn’t told anyone. Oliver gave her a chance to explain herself but then she had said something that Oliver never wanted to hear.

Davis needed her - so she was catering to Davis’ every whim. She tried to pretend it was nothing - she was saving the world, keeping the beast hidden away so no innocent people would die.

He had scoffed, angry; amazed that she could say something like that to him - almost Davis’ most recent victim.

She had told him she would fix it - not willing to leave Davis’ life in Clark’s hands.

He told her that Clark would be fine and Clark was finally going to finish it. The paramedic’s finally left the room and she grabbed his arm tightly.

“You don’t understand.” She whimpered to him. “He could kill Clark.”

Oliver shook his head. “You kept Davis Bloome in your basement.”

“Davis deserves a second chance.” She growled. “I’m trying to let him live without hundreds being killed.”

“Or, we could kill Davis and save the lives of hundreds without the risk to your life.” She stayed silent, not talking anymore and staring at him with something that he thought was hatred. “And don’t mention Lex - this is the exact reason I killed him.”

Chloe rolled her eyes.

“You know, Chloe, I thought we needed you.” She turned to look at him with wide eyes. “But I’m pretty sure my team will work better without someone like you.”

Oliver made to turn away but her grip on his sleeve tightened and she pulled him back. “I’m scared.” She whispered, and Oliver didn’t know how to respond. “I can’t handle killing him again but I don’t want Clark to die. This is the only thing I can do.”

Oliver understood. “Sidekick.” He muttered and she looked up at him. “I can handle it. I can kill him. Just stay here and he’ll be gone.”

She sniffed, pulling him into a hug. “How do you do it?” she murmured. “How can you kill someone - even if it’s for the good of the world? I can’t kill Davis again.”

Oliver didn’t know how to answer, so pulled her closer. She sobbed, before raising her head and pressing a chaste kiss against his lips. “What was that for?”

“I’ll think about your offer.” She whispered, her voice slightly less choked. “Meet me at the Isis Foundation tomorrow and I’ll tell you my decision.”

“It’s not an offer.” Oliver ground out, unable to think clearly as she pressed a quick kiss to his chin. “It’s the right thing.”

She pulled away from him, frowning once more. “See you tomorrow.”

Oliver nodded uncertainly. “Hopefully, you’ll be able to smile again tomorrow.”

She stayed still instead of walking away, clearly taken aback by his comment. “Pardon?”

Oliver smiled, leaning forward to kiss her forehead before walking away. “Be careful, Watchtower.”

As he walked away, it was the first time that he had found the silence between Chloe and him awkward.

‘What I wanted to do was save you’
Oliver was never going to miss Jimmy’s funeral, but Chloe kept shooting him angry glares from the other side of the grave.

Oliver thought that glaring at him instead of watching her ex-husband, who died protecting her, be lowered into the ground, wasn’t exactly how she should be acting.

Of course, he could tell she was devastated. When she wasn’t glaring at him with a cold expression that would have never pictured on Chloe’s face, she was staring in despair at the wooden coffin. The dark glasses covered Oliver’s eyes, and for that he was thankful, as it meant Chloe wouldn’t be able to see the pitying looks he was sure he was giving her.

Every time her shoulders shook with anguish Oliver just wanted to go over there and make sure she was okay, but she didn’t look like she would appreciate the gesture.

Jimmy’s casket hit the bottom of the grave, and people began to disperse. Finally Dinah walked away, then it was just Oliver, Chloe and Jimmy’s family.

They seemed to be staring at him, giving him hints to leave and Oliver took them, turning away. He walked away slowly, turning back for one final glance at Jimmy.
Chloe was no longer standing by the casket, but kneeling in front of Jimmy’s brother and handing him Jimmy’s large camera. She forced a smile up at the young boy, and told him it would be alright.

She stood up, stopping when she saw Oliver was still there. He smiled at her.
Oliver started to turn, but the Chloe smiled back.

It wasn’t her old smile. Chloe was different now, she’d seen more, felt more. Her smile wasn’t as bright, or as wide. But there was something there, something that reminded Oliver of that smile.

And that reminded him that Chloe was stronger than him, that even after everything that had happened that year she was able to have a ghost of her old smile still displayed on her face.

chlollie, smallville, fic: defining moments, oliver queen, chloe sullivan

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