Sep 08, 2005 13:04
I am sick and tired and tired of being sick of people who complain about trivial things in the wake of a disaster. So you have to pay more maoney for with it. At least you are able to go to bed at night knowing essentially that your loved one is safe. Sorry if i don't feel any sympathy for those of you dumb enough to be in college and to buy SUV's ,unless you do not compalin about high matianiance costs...if you are on e of htese few...God Bless you.
Its really weird that all of the brothers i thought i was going to be really close to in Phi Sig i haven't really connected with and i may or may not particularly care for them,however some people who I was intimidated by or didn't like as much, I absolutely enjoy! People like "D" (thanks for inviting me to dinner at your spot),Brett,Jen,Missy,Scot G,Sarah M,and Reah. I feel like I could call them up at anytime...its amazing what you do when you get to know somebody