Hi....Allow me to intorduce myself.....

Jun 15, 2005 23:40

I saw this sorta thing on a friends journal and thought it was really cute.

My name is Audrey Lewis. I live in Burke County and although i was perfectly content with living here for 17 years I am now completley over living here. I hope one day that i will be sucessful...one of my biggest fears is failure. When I become rich and replace bill Gates,you'll be glad you were my friend,but i won't remember you..i'll have enough money to buy new firends. Ha,jsut kidding..you see i tend to do that. According to me i have a great sense of humor. I try to be confident and at times I am,but tend to be very insecure,which probably is strongly related to my fear of failure.
I hav enever been excessively popular,but feel as though I am pretty well-liked. Most people would ocnsider me an extrovert,but i'm really very private and guarded..most people don't know very much about me..they just htink i'm funny,clever or smart...but there is much more to me....much more.

Sometimes i feel that i can be sexy or pretty or both and other times i feel like I blow! I try really hard to look good,but i don't pay much attention to those deatils and that's what ususally screws me over,because in other areas in my life i pay clsoe attention to details. I like structure,but I can change the rules a bit if needed. Confomity and Tradition? I think i wrote the How to manual.

I love my firends. Sometimes they really piss me off and i'm sure that i return the favor,but I really do enjoy their company.SOmetimes i really don't know what to say to them though and while you would think that htat would be the perfect time to shut up...I usually continue talking...a lot... and what i'm saying is just stupid...its not even me.

I'm pretty laid back,but i am uptight about lots of things. I do enjoy working for a great life,but i also like experiencing it! I love movies,games,dancing,and sports a great deal. Its the way i express myself best. I become increasingly annoyed with the superficiality of the world today and hate myself now,because i am thinking about a beautiful chamere cardigan i want to buy..I love cardigans. I constantly wonder why everyone dresses the same and then i look at my wardrobe and realize i am guilty too.

I'm closeminded in the sense that i have my own fixed attitude or opinion towards certain things,but am openminded because i can also hear and learn form new perspectives and can even support those perspectives and interact with them. I can be a biut jusgemental at times,but i do mean well.

I am sensitive though i try not to be. I love hard,hate hard,cry hard,work ahrd..every thing i do is hard...it can engulf my life if i am not careful,but most importantly i am unique. I'm friendly and a pretty decent person. I hope this has reaquainted you with me as it has helped me get reaquainted with myself .

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