LJ Major supplier of Drama since 19......?

Mar 30, 2005 12:07

Ok today I'm going to address drama..specififcally LJ drama. I am going to preface my statements with these words...This is my F*ing journal and I can say what I want. If you might have a problem with that...don't read my journal. Period.You have the right to disagree..don't get me wrong,but disrespect is just intolerable. Capiche? With that said yesterday a friend of mine criticized people whio don't like Bush,jsut because everyone else does are rediculous...taht is a fair statement,but myself ans serveral others chimmed in and things got out of control. In a country so deeply divided a statement that was not meant to be political turned out to be very much so...I know I was thinking if were're criticizing people who don't like bush just because...what about the Republicans who said Clinton wasn't their president.....what about many people who like Bush and don't know why..their parents just told them too.. But my friend is aware of these facts...she wasn't being closed minded she was just critiqueing the article and at first I missed it too,but I went back to re-read the post only to find that some jerk posted a comment who did not even know amanda and signed it anonymous. DON'T DO THAT! You need to dign your damn name if you post on someone else's journal. However,people have this negative opinion of those who are too politcial. I think its great. I do have an opinion and i'm gonna voice it...! Secondly a few weeks ago someone went uninvited on a freind of mine's journal to retrieve info in order to hurt a friend. Do not do this....this only perpetuates drama. Do not come on someone's journal uninvited and then use info put on the journal to hurt that person's friend...few people trust the credibility of Live Journal anyway and now I'm terribly dissapointed that a friend of mine has waged war on a friend of mine on live journal...I am dissappointed....i laughed...i cried and then jsut realized something about this is jsut wrong. So the main point is don't give into the Live Journal Drama. State opinions and give your responses,but don't let this consume your life and make you become hateful,spiteful or the victim b/c of live journal. You be one of the few,the proud,the integrous(i think i made that word up).
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