Feb 24, 2005 17:28
So I have been away this weeka nd it has made it easier for me to relax,easier to figure out what is important and amazing enough where I have regained my composure..Good..I hat e that my life is spinning out of control shit. Katie was an awesome host and I look forward to living with you next semester! I also want to thatnk my suitemates for being understanding and making me feel loved and jsut being who they are. At this point in time I really am sad that I won't be living with them next year,but I'll still be able to see them and stuff and call them..you guys don't get off that easily! So at his time I am going to take the time out to apologize to all who I have written mean things about on this journal...I hope I didn't hurt your feelings too much...it was just helpful to be able to vent..It doesn't mean I hate you , unless I said that in which case its probably ture,but If I don't explicitly write out names then please know its not you,especially if I don't come up tp you and sya it,but I'm willing to own up to anything bad I might have said when upset. I am not afraid to..if you have questions about anything ypu've seen or heard..let me know and i'll give you the scoop..promise. I love you guys and I am glad to be back and I am also glad to ahve bonded more with Katie. Represent the CSRA!Gotta go..I'm hungry and I have a mid term to study for.