Civic duty: done.

Nov 06, 2012 16:37

After seeing all the voting horror stories online today, I packed my bag very, very carefully before going to vote this afternoon.

- a large bottle of ice water

- a caffeinated Clif bar, and a snack sized bag of crackers

- two paperbacks from the library booksale (Paul Theroux's The Kingdom By the Sea: A Journey Around Great Britain and Farley Mowat's The Siberians)

- some tissues

- My DL, and a copy of my October bank statement, w/ current address.

- a hoodie, and also a thin pair of gloves, in case the line was so long it got dark and cold out.

- made sure there was space on my phone for pictures, in case I encountered any voting shenanigans.


The only things I ended up needing were my DL and the bank statement. There were literally more poll workers there than there were voters. There was no line. I walked straight to the registration table, had my pick of voting booths, and was in and out in less than 10 minutes, including the time I spent talking books with the woman stationed at the ballot box. I only wish everyone's voting experience could have been this pleasant.

Please enjoy this inspirational Election Day text I received from my father this morning:

Vote! Re-elect the prez who supports women and most other things you were raised to value. A bit weak on the environment, but better than the other side. And please vote YES on marijuana! I'm envious that you can!
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