Aug 10, 2011 22:32
Work: My direct supervisor is going to be gone next week, and I am looking forward to this like you don't even know. He's a nice enough guy, but OMG I WILL BE ABLE TO GET CAUGHT UP ON ALL OF THE THINGS WITHOUT HIM WANDERING OVER UMPTEEN TIMES A DAY WITH QUESTIONS AND PROJECTS.
Came home: had an ultimately disappointing conversation with my dad, a wonderful conversation w/ Joyous, and an ultimately frustrating conversation with my mother. In between all of these, I watched the most recent episode of White Collar, and pretty much spent the entirety of it making noises only the cat could hear. OM. FG. SHOW. (non-plot related spoiler: PETER KEEPS THEIR PROM PICTURE IN THE KITCHEN OMG)
My big achievement for the evening: getting the cat hooked on pizza flavored goldfish crackers (they had some at Target, after I have been unable to find them in any grocery store for months now, and was already mourning their demise. Pizza flavored are the best flavor. Everyone else is just wrong.). He was initially skeptical, but after he nommed the first one, he was an enthusiastic convert. I had to cut him off after six, because they are not part of his prescription diet. Yes, I am a bad influence on my own pet. /o\