Kaz's Questions

Sep 06, 2007 10:27

1) Have you ever had private tutoring, or have your parents ever suggested it?

I have had some private tutoring in the past, yes. I had and still have trouble with math and on a few occasions sought tutoring with Chemistry. I generally got the ideas behind it, but once again it was the formulas and mathematics that continually got me. I'm sure the tutors were equally glad to be done with me, I was less than cooperative much of the time.

2) If instances of engrish weren't so funny, how long would it take native English speakers to correct it out of existence?

First of all, this question assumes that all instances of misspoken or improper English are amusing which generally isn't the case. Yes there are some humourous examples of improper English, mostly the phrases that are just baffling in their construction such as some of those bootleg toy assembly instructions. I think that if people didn't think of engrish as amusing or quaint, we would jump at the opportunity to correct the speaker.

3) How many DC comics featuring the word "lad" on the cover have you ever sneered at, and has this changed your facial structure in any permanent way?

I don't think there have been any titles where I have seen the word "lad" featured. I do on occasion laugh at The Legion of Super Heroes despite it generally being well written simply because the naming practices the legion enforces upon its members is ridiculous. I mean really, Matter-eater lad. It doesn't get much worse than that in terms of names. No, I don't believe it has changed my facial structure in any permanent way.

4) How much does modern sequential art owe to the triptych?

Quite a lot as it uses the same sort of ordering of the art into panels to convey an idea or a tale. Some however forego the use of panels in their construction, allowing the images and scenes to bleed into each other. I would even argue that sequential art has returned to the religious origin of the triptych as many fans of modern sequential art have what borders on religious fervor when it comes to their favored titles or artists.

5) What will you do when I'm gone?

That depends, if you mean gone as in you have left the mortal coil, I may mourn a little and then try to honor your memory by living my life to the fullest. If you simply move, I might try to maintain contact, but eventually even that may drop off as I have never been particularly good at keeping in touch.

As with all other posts like this, feel free to leave me a comment of a sort and I may get around to asking you some question. After this, you'll be required to post said questions as well as the answers in your journal to continue the cycle which will purportedly allow me to get to know/understand you better.
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