Update #1

Jun 19, 2007 17:54

Not much of an update really, but she's doing fine. Still in pain of course, but she's getting through it. She's walking around more often and can talk for longer periods of time without needing to stop and sponge swab her mouth. I think she's just getting more hydrated finally. Still no food or drink yet, but she's been upgraded to ice chips. Tomorrow probably will be clear liquids.

Unfortunately, her stomach tube thing is pulling a lot of stomach acid out. The acid needs to go through her system and not out the tube because then, she'll be able to start drinking and eating things. Err, getting ahead of myself there. As funny as it sounds, when she farts for the first time since the surgery, it'll be a celebration (yes, a fart) because the tube could be removed then. That shows progression of the whole digestive system and more healing and such, making poop, etc. THEN, she'll be able to start taking liquids more often and soon after, eating again.

I may or may not head back over tonight. I was over there this morning (oh, I never did spend the night over there Monday night [rather, last night] because she said she didn't need me there), and she basically has someone there all the time (and if not, there'll be a 1-2 hour period where she'll sleep before someone else arrives) visiting her, so having me come up again tonight may not be necessary until the morning again. I'll call her later and find out.

That's the update as of now. Thanks again for everyone's thoughts, prayers, and concerns. :)
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