(no subject)

Apr 30, 2013 22:43

WOW long time no see journal! I'm in clinics now. Horses are...not my friend haha. I have surgery tomorrow with my gelding thoroughbred mix. I would go into details but uh...patient client confidentiality and all that. I just have to say, it sure is a change of pace! And I'm sure as shit still terrified of horses XD. It's nice to be able to go home and not *have* to study, but it's draining in a lot of other ways. I got an externship with the Wildlife Rehabilitation Center of Minnesota! I'm so stoked! I was going to go to the Washington Animal Rescue League but uh...well you can get small animal experience anywhere. Wildlife? Not so much. I'm giving up a bustling city for gorgeous wildlife and scenery. I may be more of a country girl than I thought.....nahhhhh.

I have been awake before 7 AM for...3 weeks now straight (okay one day off). OYE. Hate it. I am praying I don't get a patient this Friday just so I can go out and celebrate Brittany's birthday with my roommates in Boston and enjoy Vet Olympics on Saturday and have a break for once. I know it probably won't work out, so I'm trying not to get my hopes up because the large animal hospital is crazy-face all of a sudden. Last week Jeff was saying Ben sent him a picture of all of them sleeping in the lounge room where we hang when we're researching things because it was so slow. I would, of course, be scheduled for their busiest season. It's finally warm out and competitions are starting soon. Ah well, ce la vie. Maybe it'll help me in my future if I'm ever out with hoofstock. I've decided that, I'm not meant to be a conventional veterinarian. I've never really been conventional. I may start out working in a clinic somewhere but that's just to tide me over until I work with the CDC or...at a place like Fossil Rim or....something cool with wildlife or research. I'm meant for something more than vaccines all day. Don't get me wrong, I love me some dogs. I just want to do more than regular health checks and appointments all day. I'm not sure in what niche I'll be in yet, but it's nice to know I will work until I find something that's right for me. I know God's watching out for me and will open the right door, I just have to take it. I always go with my gut and I feel like half of that is God pointing me in the right direction because when I make a decision and it feels right, I don't have to worry about it because I know it's me. Like applying for Tufts serendipidously or choosing to give up WARL over a wildlife rehab center. I just know it's the right thing to do because I feel it is. And I sound like a rambling idiot XD Oh man lack of sleep and clinics will do that to a person. This has been an interesting year. I love how you always think, one day everything will just click and you won't feel like you always are trying to play catch up and you'll just know everything. But I think that's just a false sense of security, yes things will absolutely be more natural and easier, but nothing's ever going to be 100% easy. You have to work at things that matter.
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