honestly sick of a lot of things...

Apr 03, 2011 00:51

Well this has been a banner week. Honestly I don't know why I thought things would be more fun in vet school, hell Fossil Rim was probably the best time I've had within the last three years, Macy's sucked, and HRAH was fun but it wasn't undergrad, and I don't even want to go into my last year of undergrad, though the first three years was pretty kick ass I'll admit. Two of my roommates are considering moving out for NEXT year to Boston...b/c next year is the only time they'd really be able to be there since 3rd and 4th years will be way too busy to. And let's face it, North Grafton isn't exactly a hub of excitement. I would HATE to move to Boston for many reasons, but mostly the commute, who wants to drive an hour and back EVERYDAY to get to fucking class. I hate the 7 minutes in the morning as it is. Of course they said we could move with them too but I would have to be insane to want to leave this beautiful house, thankfully Brittany's not interested in moving either and she's the one with the lease so I suppose that's all I should care about. Doesn't mean I'm not upset and sad...it's like having a family to come home to everyday and now they just chose not to be with us (I know that's not their reasoning but regardless). Anyway, I'd also be way too distracted with doing things than actually studying and would probably fail out with the combo of 2 hours less studying everyday and distractions (it's not like we can't take the T into Boston if we want to be there on the weekends which is the only time I'd want to go there anyway! I'm studying all day at home, and they oftentimes go to Boston to study, like the Starbucks there is any better...) Vet school just got a lot suckier. Not that it wasn't already sucking already, I'm struggling to bring up a D in physiology, there're tests every week and me getting not the grades that I'm used to getting so my morale's down, professors basically calling us the dumb class, constant stress, me wondering if I'd actually make a good veterinarian...

I should be accustomed to the fact by now that life is in a constant state of flux so I shouldn't depend on anything being there for forever, and I know I like moving from one place to another. But these vet school years were supposed to be my 'stable' ones, ie I'm not moving anywhere for four years and the people aren't either. Yeah, yeah I'm making a big deal out of two people moving out, but it's not going to be the same, at all. It might be better too, who knows. But at the moment I don't really find things to be all that peachy. I'm hoping at the end of all this I'll feel like it's what I'm supposed to be doing but more and more everyday I feel I'm not happy with the status quo. Though that could be the impending test of doom approaching on Monday haha. Stress always puts a dark taint on what's happening around me. I'm glad now I have THIS on my mind as well...

At least summer is quickly approaching. I still need to raise some more money for Sri Lanka...but I've got basically $1000 now so I can afford to go with as much as I've stashed away! So it's FOR SURE happening, at least that's exciting, I'm going to Sri Lanka!! Though that brings about a bunch of things I need to do for that...plane tickets, vaccinations, and the big one is I have to figure out insurance of some kind. Though I definitely need to raise a bit more money to actually get some decent traveler's insurance. Right now, I'm just trying to pass physio, and make it through my first year. I can't believe it's almost done. Crazy town. Okay, I'm outie, that was an emotional announcement though haha, I didn't want to cry but I did. Makes me sad. I'll survive, as always, because I'm cool like that. I'm already looking at who might be good replacements, but in our class most people already room together and well, a lot I couldn't live with even if they were an option... and it's not for SURE they're moving out, but I'm pretty certain Yamini wants to. Aaaaaanyway yeah. Whatevs. It's all good, I'm just venting and over-reacting like I always do but then I calm down. I love the dramatic air I add to everything haha.
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