OKAY this is the CUTEST Girl ever. SHE is not a BABY anymore. It is sad but CUTE :) I love YOU JO-EL. Miss you everyday..
OKAY.. SO this second job I have is kinda hecktect but I will get use to it. :)
I have to work at mcdonalds tommorow blah.. but i need the money.
I GUESS ME sarah ben and jd are going to the olive garden. I am soo exited. MMMMM food. Plus its cute. a double date. I guess matt (bens brother) has to go with us. Wich i don't want him to BUT he is not stayen here he might steal shit!! SO do we want him to steal stuff or tag along with us.?
I am out gata go find somtine cute to wear. :) byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
I love you jd perry. Even when you hurt my foot and make a boo boo. LOL.. MWAUAH