free music yay!

Mar 19, 2007 20:23

I've decided to share some music with you all! I figure a day isn't done until you've made someone cry right? well it suddenly occured to me that not every browncoat in the world has heard the song "Avalanche" and trust me- every browncoat needs to hear the song "Avalanche" so here it is- along with a couple other goodies.

Avalanche by Thea Gilmore here

My Skin by Natalie Merchant here 

Miss My Sky by Heather Nova here 

Farewell by Rosie Thomas here 

Swans by Unkle Bob here 

Can you tell that I was thinking about Wash today?? Dammit- I'll never forgive Joss. I'm working on A Zoe fanmix- almost done! *is excited*

Today in video we had a presentation by some guy from Nate and he showed us all this stuff on photoshop and I was all "i can do that, what happens next? a mask! and a screen layer!" so yay for iconing.  speaking of which- new icon post at my icon journal here 
we only got eight people signed up at
wenham_lims- *crosses fingers* I hope more people sign up. faramir_stills has over a hundred members and i just feel like if we could harness that we would be a success- short of going to known faramir iconers and begging them to join- i guess I just have to wait. I've never been a patient type. BUT I TELL YOU ALL AGAIN- if you pimp 
wenham_limsyou will get a surprise reward! involving sock puppets! don't you wanna know what that means????

editing this post to mention that work of fiction "Nascent" is now up at where i can edit it more easily here

music, icons, pimping

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