Alas, plans for today went out the window upon the discovery that the game
uniqueid thought he was running tomorrow was in fact today, so now I am alone at his place.
Possibly I should take this chance to do something productive like a) work on my review or b) learn some more Japanese (which was what I was going to do today while
uniqueid worked on writing the home campaign), however I'm not coping well with being alone on one of the few Saturdays I have left before I head to Japan which means I really don't feel like doing anything in particular.
Life is a pretty insane level of busyness at the moment and so far I've managed to use that to stop the feelings of "going to Japan for three months is a really daunting prospect and I'm actually scared about it" from flooding in. But now that I'm alone with my thoughts in an empty and silent apartment - cue mood crash.
Comments are disabled because this isn't a plea for hugs, simply a vent and a fairly typical mood crash for this time of the month. I crash, I vent and I move on and recover.