Jun 07, 2002 14:38
((I wrestled with posting this for a long while now, but I dunno. I'm thinking of dropping out of the MESPT game. I'm not enjoying it anymore. I usually skip most every post and only read a very few. None of my puppets have anything to do and all the storylines that crop up are either uninteresting or over before I get to them [or I can't keep up with them]. All in all, I just don't care anymore; its not fun anymore. There's too much hate and cliques and competition building up. I even tried making some new characters to interact more, but either they just show up when needed or I forget all about them. I don't want to bring the game down by leaving but, I dunno. I've had fun and I enjoyed it, but it seems now everything has been done and it's only a chore to keep up with. Haven't posted hardly Frodo at all this month, and I don't think it really seems to matter if he vanishes. PJ, Rosie and the rest of my other new Cs are pretty much defunct too. The only ones I enjoy playing at all now are Pete the Oliphaunt and Halfred, and even they are a chore at times, and I rarely use them unless I see something directly mentioning them or where they can directly interact.
I dunno.... *sighs* Just disillusioned. I also partially believe some of the reason my LotR muses died is because of all the time I spend with this place. And I desparately want my muses back. Its out grown itself, I guess...))