The purchase of the smial has been successful and everything is in order. Halfast has offered
to take my letter with him since his next stop is Bingo's. I do not want to keep him waiting too long, so I will move my things in after I write the letter. I do wish I had tea to offer him, but alas I do not.
Well... on to the letter.
To: Bingo Bolger-Baggins )
Are you getting cold out here?
*waits for a response, but the gnome is as silent as a rock*
Well, I do suppose you have seen colder winters, without the ability to do anything about it.
You are a resistant little thing, aren't you? Listen, I'm putting tea on and I've discovered that this smial has two larders. I could use the second one as a broom closet, but the broom fits perfectly well in the other. Perhaps you'd like the larder as a room? It's right off the kitchen so you would have the heat of the cooking fire, and access to food should you be hungry. I'll make you a ladder so you can get anywhere in the smial. How does that sound?
*genuinly surprised when the gnome smiles, opens the door a little wider to let it in, shows it to the larder. Sits back on his haunches and takes a moment to make aforementioned ladder, and anything else the gnome seems to need*
There. You're all set. *stands again and heads for the living room* ....*sighs* Who knew there would be so little to do? *sits in his armchair with a book*
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