Going to Disneyland at the end of the month (march 29th-april 1st) Casey wanted to go like really bad so I broke down. I figure that even though I'm not really excited to go, I'll make the most of it and just go full boar, all embroidered-name mouse ears, balls-to-the-wall Disney style. The 31st is reserved for hangouts, and I have a couple people in the area down already but if you would like to see me for high fives or something, let me know.
Weekly Geek is going smashingly these days. We have had an uptick in podcast downloads and site visitors, and we are updating the blog more often. We also have a pretty active forum community, which is a first for me. Every time I have tried to have a forum either at The Necronomicon or The Weekly Geek it's always failed miserably. They are actually making their own posts now without my involvement! Brings a tear to your eye, it does. If you haven't checked out the podcast or blog in a while, do so! You may enjoy it.
I have effectively stopped playing Warcraft (at least until Jhonen starts spewing steam from his ears in rage). There are too many great games out right now for me to play, and Crackdown proved quite distracting for the past week. I have a TON of games just sitting there, waiting for me to complete them. Maybe it's finally time to complete them. I also have found the
perfect gaming chair. That's all I really needed in life. You'd be surprised as to how difficult it is to find a chair that is comfortable enough for you to sit in for hours on end.
Work is going well, almost coming up on my one-year anniversary at
Portent. Enjoying it, as always, but wishing I could finally get that promotion we have been talking about. I have some crazy ADD when it comes to work, and I'm impatient as all hell. Are these bad things? Maybe.
Haven't drawn anything or done any analog art for a while. I kind of miss it. I tried doodling the other day and it just came out horrible. I feel the need to draw something coming on soon. Probably should finish some paintings and the rest of my robot collection first. Maybe bring back The Necronomicon again? Who knows.