It's here. It's finally here. : D
Special SPECIAL thanks to you
lyrastar77 for finding the time to beta for me, despite the tremendous stress you've been under. Sweeter than sweet you are - and a true friend to cherish. Mmmmwahhhh!
Watchin’ and Wonderin’
Author: Frodo_naatulien
Pairing: F/S
Rating: PG-13
Watchin' and Wonderin' )
Ok, about this gonna thing. My god, can you believe this is still such a damn dilemma for me?!
Here is what I've decided! I presented this question to another very reputable writer in the fandom, who I won't mention, but this is what she said on the matter:
If you're doing movie-verse, I think 'gonna' is fine and would fit with Sam's dialect. If you're doing book, I would actually go with 'going to' because, though Sam DOES have a different sort of grammar in the book, it's hardly ever the abbreviated speech of the movies. Sam of the books would say neither 'gonna' or 'goin' to' - he'd say 'going to'. But I can definitely 'hear' Sam of the movies saying 'gonna' so if movie-verse is what you're doing, I say go with whichever makes YOU feel better.
So 'movie-verse' it will be. I've tried to replace all my gonna's with going to and goin' to and, after reading it over and over and over, it just doesn't work for me - at all. And, you're right. He's my Sam and he's just gonna have to say gonna ; ) At least in this next story. Although, I DID take out the one gonna that was in this story and now have it down to only, I think, four gonna's in the second story, but that's the best I could do. And it works fine really. I think I'm worrying about it much more than anyone else will.
However, in the future, I think I will try to use going to and avoid this entire confusion and frustration that this dadgum word causes me and my Sam. ; )
*hugs hugs* And thanks so much for all your help and input. : D
and here (where you may see a pic of Frolijah which you've never seen before!):
They say that Sam's accent was based on the English Gloucestershire accent (which ties in with what Sean told me), so I could always just nip down the road to Gloucestershire and ask a farmer what he's "gonna" do today & see what he says! ;-)
Oh, yes, now THAT would be a problem! *snicker*
Lyra, you 're so kind. As a matter fact, yes, I have seen Accent Rationale and that cute Frolijah pic.
They say that Sam's accent was based on the English Gloucestershire accent (which ties in with what Sean told me), so I could always just nip down the road to Gloucestershire and ask a farmer what he's "gonna" do today & see what he says! ;-)
LOL! I love it! Yes, please. Go ask that farmer what he's gonna do today. : D
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