May 09, 2006 18:52
summer is coming and i'm pissed off because i've grown up now and summer is really just another season that will pass by before I know it. I remember when summer actually used to be the best thing about my life. sleep in everyday, watch tv, drink excessivley, blah blah blah. and i'm jelous of those around me who still get a really summer break. I hate this stupid rat game I was put in. I shopuld just quit homeaide and work for my parents earning rent and that's it. Oh yeah, I forgot about living and not having another source of income. Hey!! Any rich people out there who wouldn't mind supporting me for the next few years? You know, just so I can actually enjoy my youth. I really don't want to spend my 20's working and growing old before my time. So, should I go on a really fucked up cruise ship to the bahamas with and old bigot white woman? Why not. It'll be fabulous, right? someone please make me rich right now so i dont have to deal with reality!! THANK YOU AND GOODNIGHT.