Apr 28, 2013 12:13
Hmph! Livejournal have just notified me that because I haven't made many posts or logged in for more than two years, my journal is due to be deleted and purged! Honestly, I'm four years old, obviously I am much too busy pretending to be a cat, and finding interesting sticks, and IMPORTANT things like that to be making livejournal posts all the time. (Also Mummy blathers some nonsense about it being a faff to keep logging in and out as different accounts, whatever that is all about.) But I suppose I can make an exception just this once.
Well, obviously I'm much bigger now, and probably I should get a new user-picture; anyway I have started school and am busy reading all the books in the reading-practice boxes, but I also love 'choosing time' when I especially like building cars and aeroplanes out of Lego, and also playing outside on the scooters and trikes and with balls. At home I like to play with my brother; sometimes we play games like chess or computer games, and we also play loads of made-up games where we are jedi or wizards or cool things like that. We also love to take the cushions off the sofa and jump around on them; I can't understand why Mummy makes that annoying sighing noise when we do that. Anyway, this has taken more than enough of my valuable playing-time, so I'm off to plant sweetcorn seeds and then make a mini-scarecrow to look after them :-)
Bye for now!