I am 1 of 20 adults who's ears makes excessive ear wax (I know, sexy, huh??), and if I don't periodically clean my ears with
Debrox, the wax will build up until one day when in the shower, water will get in and compacts all the wax against my ear canal.
The result? I can't hear out of left ear. Or rather, I can hear, it's just that outside noise is incredibly muffled and my balance is off. It's impossible to ignore because it feels like there's a block in my ear that just needs 'popping' (you know, when you're in an airplane?), and I start to day dream about my ear being 'free' again.
I want to go home and douse the sucker with the Debrox, but today was the day I decided to walk to work, so it's not an option. Hopefully the debrox will work and I won't have to go to the doctors. Once, after going swimming after a long time, the wax was once so impacted within my ear canal that the doctors had to use this huge metal monster syringe to squirt high powered water/hydrogen peroxide into my ear while I held a little container up to my ear to catch it as it came out (again, I know--DEAD sexy!) [
See picture]
They were amazed at how long it took for the wax to come out, there was even a moment,as I sat listening to the stream of strong water hit the wax wall in my head, where I feared it would be blocked for good, but suddenly it cleared and ahhhh... there is nothing like the relief of a clean, airy ear.
Single guys...call me. ;-)
Sugar Crash
We had a holiday brunch party at work yesterday and since I don't normally eat a lot of sweets, I went a little crazy and decided to sample a tiny bit of the many delicacies laid out before me. It was a blissful experience until a few hours later when --ZONK!-- the sugar crash hit and my weighed 10 times more than it normally does Amazing how incredibly pillow-like ones solid desk top looks when the alternative is staying awake working.
To complicate matters, the holidays in general have brought with it endless sweets lining our 'goodie desk at work every day, and boy, is the temptation to nibble intoxicating! I don't resist, I simply allow myself one simple serving to tide me over, but the problem is, once you start eating sweets, your body simply starts craving more. I've been regular noshing on sweets which is out of character for me and I feel my body's cravings for them increasing. Since I don't keep any sweets around the house, I don't crave them (sugar in the body attracts more sugar) but once I start up again (and yesterday's holiday party was a doozy), my body and soul dreams about them.
In days past, sugar was such a rare commodity that humans never got hooked to it the way we do know with our seemingly endless supply. Observing the pull I'm feeling with my cravings, and comparing that feeling to how I normally feel is very telling-- I can see why we have an obesity epidemic. Our bodies crave more and more sweets as it runs through the sugar.
Have you ever completely cut out sweets from your regular diet? I allow myself splurges on the weekends, but I stick to fruits to get my sugar amounts.
ETA: Immediately after writing this I grabbed my bag of apple slices and finished them off in an attempt to streamline my mind from the sweets sitting just a few feet from me.
Then I washed them down with a chocolate cookie.