
Jan 04, 2009 22:59

Procrastination...let me count the ways...

People, I CRACK myself up.  Seriously.  Tomorrow at 4pm I have to present an abstract I've created for submission to an International conference to three of my very well placed and well degreed colleagues (read: intimidating) and I've literally sat here at my computer for.... oh, three hours doing everything BUT work on it.  Like the abstract hasn't even been WRITTEN yet.

Instead I've done the following:

(1) Posted multiple times on the "truth behind happiness" on a message board.
(2) Traded very funny barbs with my therapist on email
(3) Looked up a famous Indian singer from my childhood to find out what happened to her (*sniff* she died at the age of 35 from lung cancer)
(4) "Accidentally" watched 15 minutes of an episode of "The Office" (I swear, my mouse clicked on the Netflix Instant link all by itself. Honest!)
(4) Texted a few friends about how I'm procrastinating
(3) Made this post on procrastination on LJ

And now I fear it's time for bed.  Where HAS the time gone??


Welcome to my life people-- talk about crunch time.. I shall let you know how it goes!! Eek.


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