May 21, 2004 22:45
hey all, sorry about the XTREME long time since ive updated, havent been motivated to lately. so anyways, yah the past month, let's see....ive started to actually like school lately because i have like 3 free periods in a row- chem, strings, ap music theory. Nick, mike, weaver, me, and some other cool people have started back up the national pasttime of throwing frisbee for entertainment. nick and i have grown quite good with some extreme catches because we've played like everyday during 5th period. so that's fun.....
some other intresting stuff thats happened-
1. Day of Infamy's commercial aired on mtv and ive seen it like 7897456156 times. i must say, i was disappointed because you cant see mike's face once because of his amazing flowing fabio hair being flung around while he head bangs.
2. started wakeboarding/surfing again which, i might say, is amazing. just some more crap to pile onto my other hobbies..
3. tried to see troy but saw van helsing intsead because we couldnt get into troy... a little advice: dont try to get into brand spankin new R movies at altamonte or wpv because even at altamonte, theyve started to CARD people. assholes. but ive noticed that kate beckinsale is possibly one of the hottest girls in like the world. phew.
4. steve and i have decided that most extreme elimination challenge is the best show ever created. especially when theres fat people on it. nothing funnier hhahahaha
5. a couple auditions..... nailed one, didnt do so hot on the other.
6. decided swing is the best music ever created, as well as other various forms of jazz and salsa.
7. on headmaster's day, the paintball group and i witnessed possibly the funniest things ever.... nima screaming as telle unloaded 30 balls into his back in like 4 seconds. wow. amazing
8. telle tried to eat a tablespoon of cinnamon. and puked continuously. good, clean fun.
9. figured out i have to get my wisdom teeth removed at the beginning of summer. enough said.
10. started playing a good amount of pool. forget your poker craze, pool will always be the true, good betting game.
11. still in the process of convincing the rents to put a hammock outside of my window andmake a sort of beach scene because that would be awesome.
12. i have decided the the best thing to do EVER while you're driving is if there's some one all up on your ass and theres a lane next to you completely empty that they could go into and pass, you slow down like -
10 mph and when the go to switch lanes and speed past you, you floor it so you pass THEM. ive seen some very amusing faces from that little trick....
and some other stuff. but anyways, yeah that wraps it up. leave one if you'd like.