Late night musings

Dec 07, 2006 01:13

At what point is it acceptable to give up hope? When is it permissable to step back and accept your fate instead of struggling against it? Is it nobler in some way to continue fighting against the inevitable, to stand alone against the fury of the world? Thomas Edison once said "The definition of insanity is to do the same thing over and over and to expect a different result." When the only way to keep fighting is to try the same things again and again, what is the point? If your struggle has left you no closer to your goals and the fight does nothing but sap your strength, why fight at all? Is it arrogant to want something on your own terms and be unwilling to accept anything less? Especially when all those around you seems to have what you want most, and it seems that the only thing that prevents you from joining them is your refusal to give in? Eventually the unending struggle will poison any victory that might be had, and leave you worse of than before. In light of this is it not better to give up, to accept one's lot in life, and to conceed defeat? What should one do when pursuing a goal pushes it farther away?

the paths that I once tread
have all but gone.
only embers now smoulder where bridges once burned.
I feel alive and yet
I fear what may happen now.
I know I can't return.
and I hear me say again oh let me not return.
damn the illusions of redemption and the hopes that held me here.
I will oppose all that would befall me.
with this rage inside of me
I will defy what I would become.
the solitude and anger that do battle inside me
will always guide me to the answers that I know I may not see.
they are the bonds that hold me tighter.
they are the chains that weigh on me.
one day I know they will be gone.
can I start again? and erase this pain
by casting doubts into the waters, asking judgement of the sea.
though fortune may guide the fools
I have no wish to be free
until I am gone

Take it easy.

Quote follows.

"Strength without determination means nothing,
and determination without strength is equally worthless."
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