(no subject)

Mar 16, 2005 18:25

So I took part in a protest today...  These anti-abortionists were camped out near the student union and bookstore... I think the bulk of the demonstration had ended, but they were still hanging out.  Anyway, they had signs with dead babies and the like, fliers telling you why God hates people that have abortions and whatever else, I didn't really ask.

Anyway, one of the signs said something about God-less America.  Well, besides being extremely hypocritical on their part, that sign was blatantly offensive to any non-fundamentalist Christian who did not have the same views on abortion as they.  That was probably what ticked me, since I know quite a few Christians who are not strictly anti-abortion...

Anyway, I ran into the union and got a piece of poster board, then went to the school store and got a red and a black marker and created a sign that said "Do not force your opinion on others" and went out about 10 feet away from them and sat on a bench.

A lady came over to tell me why I was wrong, even though I had nothing in my demeanor or on my sign that said I was anti-anti-abortion or pro anti-abortion... well as luck had it they packed up and left 15 minutes after I sat down, so I had some lunch, went to classes and came home.

It was fun, though.  I like being the salmon in the river of life.
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