First off, welcome to Professor Molinari and my fellow students from City College's English 1A - College Reading and Composition course. So far I am loving the class, and was very glad to find an E1A I could fit into my schedule. So thanks Prof. Molinari for that.
As to who I am and as a word of introduction and forewarning: this Diary contains
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At least not willful stupidity.
But, I think we are all inundated with other people snap judgments and sterotypes daily, some much more obvious than others, and I think most people insulate themselves against other peoples opinions by separating themselves and surrounding themselves with like mind individuals.
In fact I think having a series of library of impressions is important. These "cultural myths" have a great deal of value, but the idea I find objectionable is the assumption that I am child on the part of the authors.
I make snap judgments constantly, and am constantly editing and updating the criteria by which I make those judgments.
Consciously or not I think most people do the same.
It just reads like an adolescent trying to lecture his grandmother on empathy. Good intended, but insulting none the less.
It doesn't come off as "getting it" or not to me, so much as it comes off as basic life experience points and not being particularly dense. But maybe that's my density. I refuse to believe most people are that slow.
Only a child, fresh out of the womb of his teens and early 20's would still be so assured in the infallibility of his opinion as to hinder his education by clinging to his stereotypes.
Most adults have made asses of themselves with broad false assumptions enough time to be at least aware that it can happen.
For me,and I think I said this already, My stereotypes are either so deeply ingrained I am in complete denial of them or ones tat I have made a conscious choice to hold onto. I value them dearly and they are in constant flux. I think to be a rational functional human being you have to be aware of how your mind works, and monitor it as it grows.
I believe most people do this, they learn it in their teens, which is the time this book would be of the most use.
My ire towards it is based int he fact that I am not a child, and that this is not a poli-sci or sociology class.
But my ire is really relatively mild.
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I look forward to reading your post when it goes up!
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