Five Minutes of FFXIII-2

Jun 07, 2011 21:58

We get an up-close and personal look at Noel in this trailer.  He reminds me of Cloud in Advent Children.  (Not shocking.  Square Enix tends to revert to type more often than not when designing characters.  They're all awesome, and beautiful, but they tend to be awesome and beautiful in the exact same way every time.  Variety is not their forte.)

Click for the link

[Warning: The sound is all garbled and weird on this video - at least on my computer.  Of course, they have subtitles on, so you can still get an idea of what the game will look like.]

We also get a look at Serah's weapon.  And her...moogle?

I love moogles, but I'm not sure FFXIII is a moogle-friendly zone if only because...I don't's so DARK.  Or at least, it OUGHT to be dark since an entire population of people (Gran Pulse) was wiped out, and then another world (Cocoon) was basically destroyed.  This wasn't just your run-of-the-mill, stop-the-apocalypse game.  In this game there actually WAS an apocalypse.  It just happened five hundred years earlier.  They just stopped the TOTAL extinction of the human race.

Moogles are awesome, but I don't just doesn't feel like it fits.

Of course, that's just an opinion based on five minutes of trailers.  The moogles may be awesome in this game.  After all, who doesn't love moogles?


Um...sure.  Right!

I Heart Moogles!

Except Cait Sith.  Because did anyone actually want to play with that mutant robotic cat riding the giant moogle doll, with a megaphone for a weapon?  I mean, I'm all for non-human characters in a game (I'm playing Mass Effect now and my favorite character is Wrex), but Cait Sith rated a Fifteen on the Weird-o-meter for me.  Which type of drug do you think they were smoking when they developed that character?  And why didn't they share any with me?

Or do you suppose the character WAS the drug?

Have I mentioned that I'm slowly going mad?


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