Title: Do I Dare Disturb the Universe?
frkmgnt1 Rating: PG-13 or T (Pick your poison. No graphic anything as of Chapter 7)
Pairing: Snow/Lightning, Snow/Serah
Chapter 7: Muttering Retreats ~8,500
Word Count so far ~47,000
Description: Snow has something he needs to say. Lightning cannot hear it.
Genre: Angst angst and more angst. Romance (Oh my god!
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That’s so kind of you! I wish I’d looked earlier! Stupid me! >__<
You made it look like Lightning was found by those men. Tricky, but you couldn’t fool me this time! Haha! I knew you wouldn’t do that to her. (I mean not even YOU are so cruel!)
I like that you use those dream sequences to describe Lightnings state of mind. It’s much more colorful and elegant than endless monologues. That dream about Snow and her at the beach…!! ♥ Reality is so cruel in contrast! *SIGH*
Sazh being daddy is lovely! (I can't stop pointing that out...!)
I don’t know why anyone should hate this chapter?? Even if it’s a transition, it doesn’t make it useless. I enjoyed it as much as the others! A little bit information sharing is never bad. It straightens out the mess a little bit and makes us concentrate on the bigger events that are ahead of our heroes!
Speaking of heroes: What’s Snow doing all the time?!
Take care of yourself!
I hope you’ll get better soon!
I know, I'm a tricky bitch sometimes. Lightning LOVES being an unreliable narrator. And I'm glad the dreams worked, and don't worry--a reunion is imminent.
Sazh is LOVE, isn't he? He's so great, and he's under so much stress. Poor man.
And I'm glad the chapter as a whole worked. I really wasn't sure about it, but that's probably a function of staring at it for SO LONG. It's been finished but unpolished for about a month now. But I'm back in the groove now.
As for Snow-you are FIRST one to ask me about him. What he's been up to will be addressed. I haven't forgotten about him (though Hope seems to have forgotten his promise, hasn't he? To be fair, he has had other things on his mind.)
thanks so much for reading and reviewing. It's good to be back in the saddle! I missed this story. I missed writing in general lately. It works as a pretty decent painkiller. :D
Take care and have a good week!
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