Xander/Spike Recs

Jun 17, 2004 14:49

edited: 7/31/2004 at 12.34am

i have to say this is my favorite Buffy pairing. Xander and Spike? they are perfect together. the right amount of goofiness and just enough posessiveness, added to ther sexual tension and you have the perfect bunny for story-lines. oh, yes. i'm in love.

and who can forget Xander telling Spike he's "Moist and Delicious" while tying him to a chair? not me, that's for certain.

_Mom, I'm NOT Gay!: Xander struggles with convincing his mother that he is not gay and Spike is NOT his lover!

_A Beautiful Memory: NC-17! exploration and moon covered bodies.

_Belonging: R! Xander and spike start bonding. Buffy get's pissed as usual. And Xander get the nerve to tell the Slayer off. and that's just the first page.

_In This Together: Sequel to Belonging. The previous story leaves you craving more, so you will read this whether i tell you what it's about or not. mwwahahahahh!

_The Evil Series: Have I Mentioned I'm EVIL?: NC-17! Dawn (the bint) casts a spell to get Xander and Spike to "get along". boy, howdy, does it work!!!

_The Evil Series: Evil Abounds: willow comes home and discovers the situation

_The Evil Series: What Evil Is This?: The last of the series. Angel, poor Angel, comes to see what's up and Xander destroy's his Nacy-hair.

_The Invisible Scooby: NC-17! Xander gets hit with the Invisible Ray instead of Buffy in the episode Gone. so he pays Spike a visit. yipee!

_The Invisible Vamp: NC-17! Sequel to Invisible Scooby. Spike decides to turn the tables on Xander.

_Contagious: Xander's sick and Spike is his nurse. pure comedy, this is.

_A Christmas Happy: Enchanted mistletoe, Giles' gets kiss happy, and Spike watches Xander give a candycane a blowjob.

_Strange Mentors: Xmen/Buffy crossover with a Logan/Remy pairing. Spike adn Xander get help from an interesting couple. and Buffy is bashed. muwahha! gotta love it.

_Sweet Memories: Xander and Spike lose their memory. hilarity ensues and Anya tries to sexually assualt Giles!

_In Dreams: NC-17. Xander gets pshed into a nightmare, and Spike must save him. (has a minor appearance of Hyena!Xander! yay!)

_Being a Vampire Really Sucks: Poor Xander. This has got to be one of the funniest fics EVER. After Buffy kicks the bucket, Xander gets turned intoa vampire. and it sucks.

_Mile In My Shoes: NC-17 with Buffy/Giles as well. Xander and Buffy switch places. I have to say, this is one of my favorite stories. I read it, fell in love, lost it, moped for nearly four months, then i just found it again. lol. terrific story.

fandom, rec

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