How pathetic are those of corporate greed.

Aug 03, 2007 15:20

I'm not amused by the latest movements made by Livejournal. No, I'm not amused at all.

However....I'm highly amused at the fandom. The Fandom everywhere. Have you noticed that when fandom members get together over a specific thing they find offensive they get, well, dude, crazy and hilarious and kind of legally scary SMART?

Livejournal is stupid, serious. WTF, people?

Has anyone noticed that they keep claiming they can change the TOS at their whim so they're new "rules" are valid, yet in the actual TOS it states that in order for that to be an actual, legal change it must BE UPDATED IN THE TOS?! And, BEHOLD! The TOS hasn't been updated since April 18th, 2006?!!!!!

For shame, livejournal, for shame.

I have no problem with you lot making a total and complete fool of yourselves. I really don't. And that's what you're doing, by the way.

No, what I have a problem with is you trying to TWIST a previously stated statement to your own advantage, legally, when it is IN FACT not legal.

...Well, gee, people, guess what it appears Livejournal is doing? Breaking their own terms of service! Shall we all report the abuse? (Honestly, people, wouldn't it be of the utmost just punishment to report them to themselves? a huge, mass number of us?)


Anyway. That's my rant and suggestion. Because, seriously, Livejournal is pissing me the way off. I hate censorship. Online censorship of creativity is, to me, the same as burning a butt load of books. And that is. fucking. wrong.

PS, my greatest journal is thus:
I'm not switching over there just yet, just holding the journal for myself. If I do not see satisfactory improvements made by Livejournal by the time my paid account expires (in October, I believe) then I will move over there. Hopefully I won't have to, since I hate learning new journal programs.


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