total random updateyness of fic doom

Nov 27, 2006 23:40

I'm kind of curious like a lot of people to know how many of us are still in the fandom of Buffy/Angel. So, take the poll.

Hah! Finished my Ethics essay on gender discrimination. Take that, biotches.

I've been trying to work on Book of Threes: Chapter of Souls, but the smut isn't wanting to coorporate. *pouts* Oz is all for teh sex (he usually is, the horndog) but Xander's kind of like "I don't want to strip down naked." Spike's just hanging about wodering why he's on the bed while the other two are on the floor. It's suppose to be the smut before the good!character turns into the evil!character. Yeah, one of the boys goes bad. Considering the title, I wonder who... :P Anyway, poor Oz. Maybe that's why I can't finish the smut, because I don't want to watch/write/read Oz get hurt like he's going to. (think I gave enough away?)

I'm enjoying Sam/Dean incestual fun at the moment, which is giving me a plotbunny of doom for a Sam/Dean/Xander story of "Who's Your Daddy?" style (which every buffy freak in the world likes to play with, admit it. none of us LIKE Xander's real dad, of course). So, yeah, incest galore right there. I'm thinking of doing it for tamingthemuse in order to keep me active in the prompt game.

OMG, I'm so awake I don't want to go to bed. NOES. No bed.

My Backstreet Boy addiction is really getting ridiculous. I'm so stuck in the past. But it's a past with pretty, sexy boys. And the occasional girl (I was such a slut for Baby Spice).

I'm sad to say I don't think I'll ever finish Exorcist of the Vampire or Only Time. I was really into Excorcit of the Vamp when I got the plot bunny, but now that my spiritual beliefs have really, really changed I can't get into it again. And Only Time... It's been, what, three years? I'm going to have to give up on it sooner or later (even though I have one chapter of it not posted yet).

And listen to me babble. Babble, babble, Jo. Of course some poor sap out there is actually reading all of this. Dude, I so pity you. (and secretely am in love with you).

fic, random, fandom

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