So, today...yesterday, I have orientation at Borders. OMG, I'm going to love it there. I get my own walkie-talkie and headset. *feels special* And a 33% discount!!! And they spell my name right!!! OMG. *hugs my new job*
I'm currently working on
tamingthemuse. I got inspiration for another Native American piece like last week. It's depressing...again. But, hey, the abuse Native Americans have recieved is depressing, so there ya go. I'm also working on Project: Christmas. I finished
cala_jane's earlier and am now working on
bassgrrl's. Which, by the way, is fun to write. *grins*
I have the sudden urge to read Xen/Herculas/Buffy crossovers. Which is strange because I never watched Hercules and have only seen a couple episodes of Xena. But I did watch Young Hercules when I was younger. Heh, funny show.
I really, really need to get to bed. But I can't. Body=tired. Brain=wide awake.