With 52 flavors and then some.

May 22, 2009 05:12

So forever ago underthethrow made an Alphabet mix and I thought it was cool so I decided to be a total lame ass and gank her idea and make it my own.

I made sure there were no repeating bands just so the types of songs would be more varied. You have no idea how hard it was to narrow down the songs for this. I actually cheated and made TWO Alphabet mixes. Haha. BUT since I cheated, I made sure that I didn't use the same bands that I used for the first one... Which made it even harder. XD

So here they are:


EDIT: I just had a thought. You guys should totally make your own. I think it would be neat and I'd like to hear other peoples music. So do iiit! Entertain meeee!
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