*sigh* School started for me last tuesday. I'm actually at school right now. (W00t computer labs!)
I'm never going to get use to waking up at 7:30 every morning again. But, I have to say, I am kinda glad to be back at CCRI. I mean, at least I get to see Sarah and Krista everyday again and I got to meet some cool new people, like Teresa, who is, I might add, awesomely awesome. And she's a broadway buff too! :D
I even like going to classes. Well, some of them anyway. It kinda feels like my brain was on hibernation for the summer and coming back to school has turned it back on. So hurrah for that.
Oh, I had to get my schedule changed a bit though. Apparently my dad didn't pay tuition in time so they dropped all my classes. I had to sign up for new ones, but luckily I got all the ones I signed up for before (just at different times).
So yeah, if you're curious, stalking me, or just have a weird fascination with schedules,
Intro Oceanography 09:00-09:50am 6314
Children's Literature 10:00-10:50am 6112
Basic Spoken German I 12:00-12:50pm 6068
Chorus 02:30-03:45pm 0562
Children's Literature 10:00-10:50am 6112
Intro Oceanography 09:00-09:50am 6314
Stagecraft I 10:00-10:50am 6214
Basic Spoken German I 12:00-12:50pm 6068
Chorus 02:30-03:45pm 0562
Children's Literature 10:00-10:50am 6112
Basic Spoken German I 12:00-12:50pm 6068
Stagecraft I 10:00-10:50am 4076
Intro Oceanography 09:00-09:50am 6314
In other news, I went to Plymouth last night and a good time was had by all. Or at least, a good time was had be me. I gave Neil his very belated birthday present, which he seemed to enjoy and socks. Because, you know, everyone needs socks. I brought my sister, Katie with me, who practically pushed me in front of a microphone (since it was Open Mic Night) and I sung the only song that came to mind. I botched it up pretty badly, considering when I feel unprepared, I get nervous and tend to suck(in my opinion), but people said they liked it, so no harm done, I guess.
So yeah... The day in the life of Krissy.