I've been tagged by funkeemunky

Aug 19, 2005 03:46

Set 1.
List 3 things that bug you - things that others may find trivial.

1: Um... I don't know.
2: ...
3: ...

Set 2.
List 3 things that make chocolate even better.

1: Serotonine :D
2: When you suck on it until it gets all melty in your mouth.
3: The fact that it's chocolate

Set 3.
List 3 things you'd rather be doing than playing a game of LJ tag.

1: Going outside.
2: Talking with a good friend
3: I don't know... break dancing?

Tagging Six People:
I don't know. It's a free-for-all, I guess.

In other news

Is it weird that I'm listening to the German version of "A Whole New World"?
....and the fact that I just had a thought that if I ever became a stripper, I'd call myself "Sarah Tonin"?
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