School's back in full force

Jan 05, 2007 11:11

Callie is sleepy. Hopefully this sleepiness will die down a bit after I've established a little more of a routine...and if I figure out how to get my Spanish homework done quickly...

Oh, and have I mentioned that I may or may not be crazy? I'm taking 18 credits including spanish 232 and a history colloquium that requires a 20-35 page paper at the end, working at the daycare 4 days a week, working at St James on Sundays, and taking voice lessons. I'm also attempting to get myself in better shape, so I need to work out. Let's just say you probably won't see much of me this semester.

I realized something today. I do indeed still have some confidence with my spanish. I mean, I actually managed to lead a group today, in spanish, and to make myself understood by my teacher when I couldn't remember the specific word I needed. I mean, my conjugation still sucks, but I can work on that. The instructor is challenging, but she doesn't follow the set format. She does her own thing, and thus far it works better for me than the stupid exercises the book has. I might actually do well this semester.

On another note, my phone is quirky. I put it on silent before I left for class, but I got there and about 10 minutes before the end of class Meg called, and it went off. Whoops. I've never had that happen before, so I apologized to my instructor afterwards.

I have Ghandi at 11:30. w00t!!

fitness, little people = happy, school update thing, employment, ponderance, going crazy

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