All's Well That Ends Well?

Oct 17, 2009 21:06

Today, I was lucky enough to see the British National Theatre's production of All's Well That Ends Well. This is a part of the NT Live project of filming productions and thus bringing them to places further than a tube/bus ride from the South Bank: and more power to them, say I.

This wasn't a play I knew well, but I thoroughly enjoyed it (minor annoyances unrelated to the play/performances aside!). The performance was the last of the run in London. The cast was uniformly wonderful, with special mention to Claire Higgins, Michelle Terry, Conleth Hill and Oliver Ford Davies, and the delicious Janet Henfrey (who reminds me so much of Edith Sitwell). The set design was beautifully evocative of fairy tales, towers, dark forests, and I loved the silhouettes and the wolves, foxes and the owl! Entirely apt, as the play is akin to a fairy tale. There's a hero's journey (take a bow, Helena!), difficult tasks to perform, a king to cure, a bargain not kept... you get the picture, I'm sure. It's just a shame the object of Helena's affections was such a wet fish, and a bounder of the first order. :)

If you should get the chance to see this at any time, please do so. I'm so sorry that
tanuja wasn't well enough to join us, but my hope is that since the National has embarked on this project, part of it will be the sale of dvds at some point. Fortunately, the unknown old lady who was able to use
tanuja's ticket for this sell-out event was not caught up in the minor ticket fiasco that meant us sitting in the front row for the first half. (Rant not worth setting down here.) A mint-choc ice-cream at interval helped to soothe the savage beast. Though my neck is still complaining a little!


And now- RocKwiz is about to begin, and I am going to collapse in front of the tv. Yay for the quiet life?!

Oh- a PS of Glee! No, not the show; but at the fact that QI is going to be on tv this coming Tuesday night. Stephen Fry, you glorious man. At last!
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