Nov 30, 2008 16:09
What a great and fantastic Thanksgiving Week.
Except for one fucktardy moment, I had nothing but a bunch of amazing FANTABULOUS moments!
Special Highlights:
- At work, the mid-year review could have been a little bit better, but what I was offered is nothing to shake a stick at!
- I got to throw one of my favorite parties of the year. The food was fantastic, the guests all had a blast (except for one), it lasted until way until the morning, and the party was complete with boobies and naked people dancing around the bon-fire! ROCKNGOODTIME!
- Heading to my Rents house for T-Day Dinner, I was asked to bring a "dip or appetizer". Unfortunately, the appetizers that I had made and set aside for the Rents got heated and eaten at the party. Oh well. (The were the best stuffed mushrooms EVAR!) So, I whipped together my spinach dip. Apparently, the same instructions were given to everybody else. With the exception of my Sister, EVERYONE brought spinach dip! There were SIX types of spinach dip to be had at my parents house that day. And they were all good!
- I did NOT get stood up even once from all the hot cute cool girls that I had gotten numbers and made arrangements with from the party on Wednesday night! Sara is a super cute goth artist. Kate is a slammin uber cutey from NY. Amber is probably, to me, the most attractive person I've ever had the pleasure of spending time with. I went out and had fun every single night this week from Thursday to today and even went out with both Amber and Sara saturday night. Sometimes it's good to be me!
- Spent time in the studio Saturday and Sunday working on clay work and getting the Kiln loaded and running.
- My house is all cleaned up from the party. It's nothing but warm, clean, and cozy.
- Watch Alabama take six years of loses, roll them up in blue and orange paper, and then SMOKE THE HELL OUT OF 'EM!!!!!!!!
- Had quite the excellent Italian dinner with Amber last night!
Life is just good!