It is still strange enough to hear from Libertarians and Classical Liberals that the help to Ukraine, or, in other words, a punishment for an aggressor violating the NAP, is the cause of inflation and increased gasoline prices. Support to Ukraine is minor, in comparison to the “help” to Afghanistan or Yemen, and it began not long time ago - it has been only 2-3 months. It is too early to harvest the inflationary fruits of the help for Ukraine. A comprehension of Mr. Mises’ business cycle leads us to 2019 when Mr. Trump turned on the machine of printing money, rising government debt, and government spending on full blast. Traditionally for the Democrats, Mr. Biden exponentially accelerated the processes of printing and spending launched by Republicans covering it behind the curtains of COVID affaire. Now is the time to pay for games of ol’ good duopoly friends. Praxeology of war and state shows us that the state always taxes and spends collected money for a war against something. In April 2020, when the crude oil price once was negative, and the price of gasoline in some places in the USA was $0.99, the gas price in California still was around $3.00. Did California help Ukraine in April 2020? War is the best means to camouflage internal class conflict; therefore, the state sometimes needs to do something good to imitate its commitment to the values of the society. Thus, it is much better to send money for the punishment of an aggressor and confiscation of its assets rather than spend government money on aggression somewhere in Asia. Lastly, the USA is one of the top five oil producers in the world. When Americans spend money filling up their tanks, some Americans benefit from it. The same is with military support to Ukraine - American industry will get the money and jobs. Instead of promoting libertarian values and ideas of state failure, some libertarians and classical liberals try to gain some political points by selling cheap nationalist resentment.
RonPaulLibertyReport. “Biden: High Gas Prices For ‘As Long As It Takes’ To Defeat Russia.” YouTube, uploaded by RonPaulLibertyReport, 30 June 2022,