Some things really do grow on trees...

May 10, 2005 23:53

I really do not enjoy riding the train to work in the mornings.
I have seen, smelled, overheard, and experienced some weird shit
in my morning and afternoon trips to and from work. At least if I
worked at a porn shop, or a slaughterhouse, it would be business as usual.

I have noticed that if I am right on time to catch the train, so I am not
late to work (which is rare), that it is usually full of high school kids,
college kids, and people like me, on their way to work. If I happen to miss
that ONE train, all hell breaks loose, in some form or another.

A few weeks ago, some black kid asked for a cigarette, then proceeded to show
me his long ass knife, that he described as "my big ass way of dealing with
da foolz that rip me off" Then proceeded to tell me he was on his way to school,
and always gets searched, since he is "on the list of known offenders"
Great. Ok. talk to you later, Yo....What moron leaves the house with a fucking
bayonet style pig sticker, on his way to San Jose's only high school for fuckups?

Yesterday I hopped on about an hour late for work already
(takes an hour to get there also)
I am in the middle train car, which is unusual for me, and sit down. I overhear a couple
people talking, no big deal, some guy and his girl are on their way to their probation
officer appointment, and then about four other people start chiming in, from other
random seats they were in, that, wow, they were also on their way to the probation
department. What the fuck? I climbed onto the convicted and released loser car this time?
Well, yes and no. Seems the probation department holds appointments certain times of
the day.

The end of the day yesterday, I climb on, and sit down without looking first, and notice
that the floor is sticky. Great. That means someone spilled something, and I am hoping
it's not related to the floor in a porn theater. I get home and notice my off white
corporate work pants have a chocolate shake looking substance on my ass. Thankfully
I was wearing my hoody that covered it, or people would have given me weird looks
walking home.

If I climb on the goddamn train tomorrow, and I see a bunch of circus clowns, I may
have a nervous breakdown, or at least be having a bad flashback from all the acid
I took in high school.

Public Transportation = more fun than a room full of hookers and the horses that love them.
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