I'm doing very well. The most problematic part of this recovery has been going to the toilet. The thing that sucks the most is the internal pressure from needing to go, and the sharp stabbing pain from it. But it comes and goes, and hopefully eventually it will just go. Or rather, I can go and not have the pain.
Finished reading Tristan Taormino's book "Opening Up." It's basically the Strunk and White of open/poly relationships. It's got to be one of the most comprehensive, well researched, and detailed book on the matter I've ever read. For those who are interested in this topic I highly recommend it.
Started reading T. Thorn Coyle's "Evolutionary Witchcraft." See previous post regarding that. Not finished with it yet, but may be by the end of the week.
The complete box set of "Mushi-Shi" was great. I can see though why it was only as many episodes as it was. The series is very formulaic, and without a truly overarching storyline it's just monster of the week. Still, good stuff.
The entire first season of "True Blood." LOVED it. I'm going to have to read that series of novels.
Season finale of "Dexter 3." I wasn't as compelled by this season. I felt it lacked something, and I don't know what it was. I'm curious to see where season 4 will go though.
Started watching "Farscape" from the beginning. Not even into episode 2 yet though. I've obviously watched a LOT of other things instead.
Last night I played "Risk Godstorm" with Eikon and Nick. They tell me I bitch too much. In the end though I won by default. Risk is a game that makes people mad. I am one of those people, and it was clear that other people were getting mad too. I don't like games like that.
Nick and Topher have been playing "Lego Star Wars" pretty consistently on the Wii. It's fun to watch, but I'm not totally sold on it myself. I played a little "Zelda Twilight Princess," and a little "Super Mario Galaxy." Neither one was really doing it for me too much. Last night though Topher came home with "O Kami" and "Tomb Raider," and I watched Nick play "O Kami" for a while. GORGEOUS game.
Holiday Happenings
Thank you to everyone who sent cards. I also got a few nice gifts for the holiday. Mostly though I was happy to spend time with people. Waking up on Christmas morning and hugging my friends was good. Having dinner with neighbors and coworkers was also good. I miss my partner, but I couldn't take off another week of work to visit with his family. The schedule just wouldn't have worked out for me. Not to mention that I have no idea how I'd be feeling physically.
That's about it. Now I make breakfast and watch some tv.