Feb 10, 2006 10:02
Hail to you Great Mother Venus.
Holy are your sacred names.
Hail to Venus Verticordia,
She who rises from the sea.
Be with us now and bless us
That we may open our hearts to one another.
Holy are you,
Changer of Hearts,
Blessed Be.
Hail to Venus Victrix,
She who conquers through Love.
Be with us now and bless us
That we may win through Love and Compassion.
Holy are you,
Victorious Lover,
Blessed Be.
Hail to Venus Genetrix,
She who is the Mother of Life.
Be with us now and bless us
That we may be filled with creativity and passion.
Holy are you,
Force of Creation,
Blessed Be.
Hail to Venus Erycina,
She who is the Sacred Whore.
Be with us now and bless us
That we may rejoice in our sacred embodiment.
Holy are you,
Lover of Life,
Blessed Be.