and so it goes

Mar 10, 2010 10:48

I'm going to try and update more often.  I like to write and I forgot how much I missed it.  I have no idea if anyone reads this anymore but that really doesn't matter.  I spent time changing the format of my journal and updating new user pics.  Pretty aren't they?

In other news, I saw an old co-worker of mine the other day.  Living at Ted's for the past week and a half has put me back in touch with a few of the Horsford crowd.  Ralph filled me in on the hiring process.  Amie (my former boss) apparently hired two people for perennials.  I had a return to work date of April 1st.  I was really pissed that she didn't contact me about the job to see if I would like to come back for another season.  I felt betrayed, let down, and upset for quite a while.  In reality I really didn't want to have Amie as a boss again.  However, a job is a job.  That would have been at least 5 months of steady, reliable income coming in at decent pay too.  Anyway, I gave myself a couple days to settle down and cool off.  The last thing I wanted to do was call them and accidentally say something I didn't mean or piss anyone off and risk the chance of loosing them as a reference and good contact.  I called them this morning and talked with Amie.  I was calm, upbeat (as well as I could be), and basically had a normal conversation with her.  It felt good to be able to talk calmly and openly about something as important as a job that no longer exists with the person that basically screwed you over.  I did find out that Lisa, head of the green house area is looking for someone.  I asked Amie to have her give me a call at some point so we could talk.  I think I'd enjoy working with Lisa.  She's a great person and fun to be with.  I'd also be learning something new.  Nothing is definite yet but I feel better knowing that there is still a chance of getting a job for at least part of the summer.  I guess I should go find some books on annuals and start learning my annual plants!  In reality it's mostly a win win situation for me.  Assuming everything pans out.

So I have 3 more days here in Charlotte and then I spend one night at home before heading to Middlebury/Shoreham to house sit for a week there.  I'd really really like to spend time at my apartment getting to know the people I'm working with but ya know how it goes!

Oh yeah, I thought about keeping a running list of books I've been reading lately.  We'll see how long this lasts.
Red Helmet - Homer Hickham - finished
The Lucky One - Nicholas Sparks - finished
American Gods - Neil Gaimen - finished
and of course my web development text book - on going
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