The Widdershins Walk

Jul 03, 2006 22:50

The Widdershins Walk
I did this working over the weekend at another spot in Plessy woods. I found my starting point,focus point and markers etc. It seemed to take a while of travelling through a very deep tunnel but eventully I saw a dazzling white light. The light moved up then down in beam like fashion. The next thing I saw was a black face with white eyes, then a hand touched my forehead. I noticed an orange sleeve then when i looked back at the face i noticed a hard helmet. The tunnel opened up and I could see colliers wearing their orange boilersuits. There was lot of chatter going on and 2 blokes shook my hand. The next I knew, I was back in the tunnel and moving up back to my starting point. This was an emotional experience as the underground area in these parts had a lot of mining shafts at one time and my recent ancestors on both sides of my family were colliers.


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