rather incoherent soapboxing

Mar 02, 2010 14:20

Note: the general 'you' is in use throughout this post.

I want to link to this post by phaetonschariot today.  Go read it now, because the rest of this post is going to assume that you have.  It's meta, although it's headed like a fic, but the header is what's being discussed in the meta.

I lurk around quite a few meta places on LJ, and this topic's been flying ( Read more... )

rant, soapboxing, meta

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michelel72 March 3 2010, 03:04:17 UTC
I got into SGA fandom too late for most of the taking of sides, fortunately. Even so, I remember that one of the first stories I read was "Freedom's Just Another Word", and at that time I considered it slash even though the author considered it gen. I've changed my mind on that, quite probably because of the discussion around that classification; that said, if the story is gen but assumes any pairings, I prefer to know what they are. (I've tried to follow that convention in my own writing, though I can't certify I always have or will.)

As for the main post: Yes, so much.

I have a good friend who used to be into fanfiction. I was pretty sure she was a level-headed, open-minded person as well. I shared with her a story I'd quite enjoyed, but she found it weird; a few minutes later, she added that back in her day, preslash stories required warnings.

Warnings. For preslash. One-sided M/M UST, in this particular case.

I tried to convey the message that, no, it's not like that anymore. I wasn't convinced she just accepted that, but I kind of thought she at least had a sense of where I was. Then she recently asked me if the term "slash" still applied to any fic pairing (to label a het story) or "had gone dark side". And when she wanted to read fic for a much smaller fandom, after exploring the comm I tracked down for her, she complained about all the slash and gen, making an "icky" face about the former (and protesting she could see that by watching the show for the latter).

It bugs me. And I don't know what to do about it. I don't encourage the commentary, certainly, but I know that many people react to direct criticism by digging in their heels. Old-school isn't a defense, to me; if you're getting back in the game, get into it honestly and be open to changes. She seems to be into fic for only a very narrow purpose, though, rather than approaching it via fandom; that said, if she just said that she's seeking fic for het fantasies, rather than persistently putting down everything else, I'd be fine with it.

One of the reccers over at stargateficrec used to warn for slash, for slash and M3 rec categories, at least before the recent header change. Infuriating.


frith_in_thorns March 3 2010, 19:45:48 UTC
I haven't read that story, although I think I've heard it being mentioned before. Until recently I assumed that gen stories never had any pairings in - now I'm not so surprised when I find background pairings in them. And my sky pirate AU how long will it take before people get sick of me talking about sky pirates, I wonder? will have some background pairings in, but I'm intending to keep them low-profile enough for it to be classified as gen.

Warnings for preslash? Ok, I've never come across that viewpoint before. Especially as 'preslash' seems to basically be something that's in the eye of the beholder...

I hate that defence. "This is the way we've always done it, and I don't care if it's wrong and offensive - it's tradition." Because why should anyone take responsibilty themselves to stop discrimination against gays etc? And this is one of my rant buttons, so I'm going to shut up before I start insulting people/society/religion left right and centre :P


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