noxnottetorrent (I still cannot type that out correctly without looking it up *sigh*)
My life has been rated:
See what your rating is!Created by
bart666 Suitable for 15 years or older. Films in this category can be about anything, say 'fuck' a lot, probably get to see all sorts of guns and shooting, but no open heart surgery with a knife. Most 'R' rated films in America fit into this category.
Well I was hoping there would be more memes on my flist but there weren't so yeah. I'm so disappointed to because the other ones I saw on my flist were 18 or R18. I SUCK! *sniff* I wanna be hardcore!!!
[edit 12:02pm]
Changed a few answers:
My life has been rated:
See what your rating is!Created by
bart666 YAY! lol