Apr 01, 2005 00:48
mmmm, so me and my lovely Erin have been making plans for this summer. so far we've come up with this:
I leave June 1st to go to Orlando to meet her there, we see The Blood Brothers.
Stay the night in a hotel that her father will call and get for us.
On June 2nd fool around and that night see The Faint and Bright Eyes.
Stay in a hotel again and then drive to West Palm on the 3rd.
Stay there for a week or so, hang out with very cool old friends and meet some new people. Maybe come back on the 12th.
Erin is going to come back with me and stay here for a week then her dad is buying a plane ticket for her to go home.
Oh, and Erin's dad would be purchasing the show tickets for us as well.
Soooo exxxcited.
It will be the best week ever.
well, minus the fact that I won't be able to see Judd during that whole time fom the 1-13. That's a long time, it's going to be hard to handle.
I can't wait for summer.
If you want to hang out while I'm down there in Orlando/West Palm just call me and let me know when you want to do something. please.