Feb 08, 2007 19:58
A student from the law school committed suicide last week. The Dean is deciding what to do for the family.
The family friend I talked to over the phone was having a very honest conversation with me. Telling me about how she has been calling all the numbers on that student's mobile phone. About how some friends just broke down and cried. About how they've noticed that she has been withdrawing herself recently.
The family friend said she felt that it's tragic how she was just a 6 digit number to us. Just a face among the faces that come in....
Anyway, my colleagues printed out her student card picture to find out who she is since her name sounds familiar. We didn't recognize her. I looked at her student records and there's nothing in there to show that she was struggling.
With about 1000+ students in Law alone, it is true that she was just a number to us.
I'm sorry we couldn't help you.